Socorrito's Summer Adventure

by Socorrito Diaz

During the past month of July, I had the amazing opportunity to participate at the National Gallery of Art’s Summer Teachers Institute in Washington, D.C. as part of the fellowship given to Mr. Andy Yeongsung Lee and me. After more than a year of working together, I finally met Andy YeosungLee (“Uncle Andy”) and we spent a week studying French Impressionism and planning for this year’s adventure. Lectures, Gallery Studies, Teaching Strategies, and lots of time to see the great masters’ art works gave us the opportunity to develop many activities that will be part of the Global Art Bag Exchange between Korea, Puerto Rico, and other countries that will join.

From there we traveled to Korea! What an incredible and wonderful country! I had the honor to work beside Andy and an amazing group of teachers. Our first workshop was held at the Daegu Design Center where high school students designed a poster and built a chair using just cardboard. Language was no barrier. As a teacher, I became a student watching the way they solved the problems and made their designs. Once in Seoul, my days were spent at Let’s Art giving students a taste of Puerto Rico’s masks and our rainforest. It was magical to see those kids face to face and share the days with them. Having the time to talk to the students and especially to the parents about the importance of the Art Exchange will be one of my favorite moments.

I also had the honor of meeting Cheong Lee, CEO of Clockworks Innovative and designer of our favorite App: BIGTURE. The staff shared all the wonderful things they have done using the work of our students and the story of the Friendship Flower that was even published as a book. A visit to art galleries to talk about Korean Art, and to Paju Book City to meet with renowned Korean Designer, Mr. Ahn Sang-soo, were other amazing experiences that gave me a vision of many different approaches to the Arts in Korea.

There is no way I can thank my Korean Family for the way they received me and for allowing me to work so close to them. I saw the beauty, the colors, the history past and present of this beautiful country, but most of all I was able to experience the warm, kind and noble hearts of their people.  I was able to experience the true soul of Korea through them. To the Baldwin administration, colleagues, families and my dear students: thank you for your support and sharing this adventure with me. Please enjoy the video I prepared that is just a little taste of my summer adventure. 

Click here See the video essay on youtube of Socorrito’s Summer Adventure.

Click the links below to read previous articles about The Global Art Exchange Project: