Student Life » Community Service

Community Service

The heart of Baldwin is its community. We believe in the dignity and worth of our students and recognize the importance of their responsibilities to their peers as well as the world beyond. Baldwin teachers are passionate, students are dedicated, and parents lend their support. Throughout every grade level we find several opportunities to reach out and share our strengths with the community at large. Our students consistently dedicate over 10,000 hours of service each year.


The community service program provides Baldwin middle and upper school students with the opportunity to have a positive impact on our community while learning that service to others is an on-going part of life. We believe that when students take part in community service projects they develop skills not commonly found in the classroom and it encourages them to take an active leadership role in their communities. 

Every school year, students fulfill the minimum community service requirement as follows:



Minimum Hours


Minimum Hours

6th Grade


9th Grade


7th Grade


10th Grade


8th Grade


11th Grade




12th Grade



The Community Project is a year-long inquiry that encourages 8th grade students to explore their rights and responsibilities to implement service and action in their community and the wider world. Students will demonstrate skills in Investigating, Planning, Taking Action and Reflecting. Students volunteer a minimum of 15 hours for this project and meet with the Community Project Advisor, Mrs. Belinda Santiago in the beginning of each year for details and guidance.


Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) complements a challenging academic program in a holistic way, providing opportunities for self-determination, collaboration, accomplishment and enjoyment. It involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies throughout the IB Diploma Program. The three strands of CAS are creativity (exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance), activity (physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle) and service (collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need). 


At Baldwin School all students, regardless of whether they are pursuing a full IB Diploma, participate in the CAS program. CAS involves students in a range of experiences alongside their academic studies. The program starts first semester junior year and concludes in March of their senior year with a final project. Students can also engage in CAS experiences during the summer between their junior and senior year. For further information, contact Dean of Students, Mrs. Carolina Casas.

"My most memorable moment at Baldwin School was giving the Next Generation check to the founder of the non-profit organization that the National Honor Society has helped throughout the year. All of the hard work and dedication was put forth in raising awareness and donations, in turn successfully raising $13,500 for the organization."
-Gary Sang
Baldwin Class of 2016
 The George Washington University