Congratulations to the 8th Grade graduating class!

This class of 2018 gracefully celebrated their transition to Upper School. 

The ceremony was an evening full of very many honors, high honors and academic achievement awards for our Baldwin School 8th grade class.

Additional recognition was also given in the following categories:

Academic Department medals: (awarded to the highest average in that subject.)

English: Devon Miller-Junk
Math: Devon Miller-Junk and Christian Lugo
Spanish: Alexandra Piñeiro
SSL: Devon Miller-Junk
Social Studies: Devon Miller-Junk
Science: Devon Miller-Junk
Health: Nara Finkelstein
Robotics: Devon Miller-Junk
Art: Laura Calero
French: Aileen Jiménez
PE: Juan Pablo Ramírez and Devon Miller-Junk

Highest Average of the Class of 2018: Devon Miller-Junk

Student of the Trimester: Laura Calero and Alejandra Melchor

Leadership Award: Yaneilisse Rivera

Citizenship Award: Edric Toro

The President’s Education Excellence Award:
Diego Álvarez
Nara Finkelstein
Isabelle Gouverneur
Aileen Jiménez
Devon Miller-Junk
Jorge Luis Pérez
Margarita Pertierra
Alexandra Piñeiro

The President’s Award for Educational Improvement:
Christina Binyon
Laura Calero
Camila Colón-Figueroa
Emilia Fallman
Elijah Green
Thomas Lewis
Christian Lugo
Juan Pablo Ramírez
Abdriel Ramos
Víctor Rodríguez
Alfredo San Miguel
Edric Toro

National anthems were sung by Victoria Cannizzaro and Isabelle Gouverneur. 
Opening remarks by class president, Nara Finkelstein.