Academic Departments » Primary Years Program: PPK - 5th grade » Oxman Early Childhood Center

Oxman Early Childhood Center

Children are natural learners. They begin their school life full of imagination and curiosity, which are invaluable tools that help them on their journey , discovering the world.  The early childhood education program at Baldwin’s OECC is based on the belief that the interaction between children’s own innate interests and their learning environment result in healthy personal growth.

We believe each child’s self-esteem is a precious asset that must be nurtured. Our curriculum fosters children’s cognitive, socio-emotional, and physical growth through developmentally appropriate learning experiences within a safe, supportive and playful environment.

Dedicated and caring teachers seek to promote confidence, encourage decision-making, and develop students' creativity. We love to see our students explore, inquire, collaborate with their peers and get excited about learning. Our teachers purposefully design opportunities to foster these kinds of experiences.

To complement the core curriculum – languages (English and Spanish), math, science, and social studies – we also integrate music, art, physical education, cooking, computer classes and lots of time to learn while playing. Student life at the OECC is full of music, movement, and play. Our greatest gift is an abundance of love!

Mrs. Maícha Porrata
OECC Principal


OECC Curriculum

The children will develop motor skills, language, and math concepts through play, hands-on experiences and interactions with their peers and teachers. 

Language Arts
Language arts integrates beginning reading, writing, listening, and, vocabulary skills. Through various activities and games students begin to increase their vocabulary, recognize letters, and make sound associations.
Mathematics focuses on developing beginning math skills that include graphing, creating and recognizing patterns, concepts of numbers up to five and problem solving skills. Math concepts are introduced and reinforced through play, exploration and the use of concrete materials.
Science engages students in hands-on activities, which allow them to begin to explore and observe objects in their own world and communicate ideas about their findings.
Social Studies
Social Studies will familiarize students with the different environments that surround them: families, schools, neighborhoods, communities and cultures.
En el curso de español se integra el lenguaje y la lector-escritura. Se promueve actividades las cuales fomentan el desarrollo y comprensión del lenguaje. Se expone a los estudiantes a diferentes tipos de rimas, canciones y literatura para que puedan comprender y desarrollar un buen vocabulario.
Language Arts
Language Arts is an integrated literature based reading, writing and grammar program. The children are provided opportunities and instruction in print and phonological awareness, vocabulary, letter-sound relationships, sight word identification and many other skills which will allow them to develop into independent readers and writers and learn to enjoy and love literature.
Mathematics is an integrated skills program that includes problem solving, sorting, classifying, matching, concepts of numbers, graphing, identifying patterns and movements. Children develop their spatial, numerical and problem solving skills, through exploration and working with manipulatives.
Science engages students in active investigations, which allow them to gain a basic understanding of Science Concepts. During everyday activities students are introduced to the use of scientific tools and the processes of Scientific Inquiry.
Social Studies
Social Studies will provide the students with some of the knowledge, skills and values they need to become active and valued members of their communities. Through class involvement, activities and responsibilities they will begin to develop a sense of belonging and citizenship.
El programa de español de Kindergarten integra el lenguaje y la lecto-escritura. Se utilizan unidades temáticas en las cuales los estudiantes aprenden vocabulario con significado. Además de lograr la comunicación oral ,escrita y la comprensión del idioma español.


  • Back to School Night
  • Grandparents’ Day
  • Spirit Week
  • Helping Fridays Bake Sales
  • Cooking Classes
  • Story Telling
  • Field Trips
  • Pet Day
  • Thanksgiving Luncheon
  • Turkey Run
  • Día Puertorriqueño
  • Holiday Programs
  • Fun Day (Field Day)
  • Art Exhibit
  • Students’ Day
  • Kindergarten Advancement Ceremony