3rd Grade Opera

This year's production of the 3rd grade opera was titled "Out of Control" and it was about a little girl, Becky, who keeps misplacing things which lead her to create these exaggerated lies to cover up her mishaps. Her friends reach a tipping point when Becky misplaces a video game they've lent her and decide to teach her a lesson. In the end, the message of this year's opera is that no matte how hard it may be, the truth is always the best option.

Something important to keep in mind is that every aspect of this production is handled and created entirely by the 3rd grade students with the guidance of their teachers. The grade splits up into writers, actors, set and costume designers, make-up artists, each role crucial to creating the final product.

This year's production was dedicated to the teachers: Mercedes Escribá, Suzette Benítez, Maraliza Pagán, Mercedes Nakachi, Claudia Castro, Mayra Maldonado, Susette Velez, and Greg Schmitt. Congratulations to all involved in this fantastic production.

See videos in the video gallery

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