Hello! My name is....

Any hobbies or passions?

I like floating on water and anything that lets my creativity manifest itself. Additionally, I am passionate about serving and getting people involved in giving of themselves to others.


If you could have anyone as your teacher, who would you pick?

There are many teachers I would pick, learning in life is ongoing, however all would have one thing in common: they be women who stood up for equality, for their family, for their country and for freedom.


Where did you grow up?

Born in Mayagüez / Bayamon / Guaynabo / Jacksonville


Have you lived in any other countries?

I lived/worked/studied in Jacksonville, Florida for 8 years


Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.

I was a girl scout from childhood through adolescence and love the outdoors.


Name one thing on your bucket list.

Getting in a Winnebago and driving across a country while camping in different parks.


Who inspires you?

My kids, my mom.


What do you like about your job?

I love the great vibes and positive energy that students exude, its contagious and I specially love that my job is certainly not monotonous.


What's your favorite thing about Puerto Rico?

How in the same day one can be in the mountains and then the beach. I just love getting in the car, blasting the radio, driving and exploring the island.


What are your top five personal values?

Freedom, Integrity, Fairness/Justice, Authenticity, Kindness


What would you sing at Karaoke night?

Me and Bobby Mcgee by Janis Joplin or Boricua en la Luna by Roy Brown (poem by Corretjer)


Anything else you would like to share?

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained".